program FastCopy 2.07

Posted by ahamed_cnn90 On الأحد، 20 فبراير 2011 0 comments

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FastCopy provides a faster way to copy, move or annul ample numbers of files. It automatically selects an optimized adjustment depending on whether the Source and Destination agenda are on the aforementioned or altered adamantine drives, and performs read/write operations after application the O/S cache. In accession to simple archetype and annul operations, the affairs additionally supports avant-garde methods that acquiesce you to accord files based on their date and size. Other appearance accommodate customizable absorber size, examination of book actions, adjustable acceleration control, command-line support, book analysis and avant-garde book filtering. FastCopy supports Unicode and continued book names. Standalone software, accession is optional
The program works on
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7


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