Games Ericcson Bilji very expensive

Posted by ahamed_cnn90 On الأحد، 3 أبريل 2011 0 comments

The object of frivolous and the Governor is empty, those are the signs that accompanied the feelings of frustration that hit many when he announced, "Sony" on the list prices of their games for your playing and mobile phone "Ericcson Bilji", where will the owner of this device to pay nearly ten pounds sterling, or about 16.30 Per dollar for the game!
But all the games from the PlayStation group games will not be as high cost, where the price of games will be smaller tenth of the amount which we have mentioned, about one pound, or 1.6 dollars. Has stated, "David Hilton, " director of marketing for company, "Sony Ericsson" in the United Kingdom Nations, for "EMC in the" mail, saying: "will cost games smaller than one pound to 2 pounds and up the cost of games more complicated to ten pounds Sterling. "

No longer launch the game in 50 of the thirty-March of each year as exciting as it was before!


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