download Adobe Acrobat Professional X v10.1.0 size 360 m

Posted by ahamed_cnn90 On السبت، 18 يونيو 2011 0 comments

Software Adobe Acrobat X Pro allows you to actualize PDF abstracts of able quality. Actualize and adapt files of PDF, absolute multimedia content, barter of advice with aerial believability and finer aggregate feedback.

Adobe Acrobat Professional X v10.1.0 Unattended RePack by SPecialiST | 350 MB 

System requirements:

* 1.3GHz or faster processor

* Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Backpack 3 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows Server ® 2003 (32 bit and 64 bit; Service Backpack 2 appropriate for 64 bit) *; Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows Vista ® Home Basic or Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Backpack 2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise (32 bit and 64 bit)

* 2GB of RAM

* 4.9GB of accessible hard-disk space

* 1024x768 awning resolution

* DVD-ROM drive accordant with dual-layer DVDs

* Internet Explorer 7 or 8; Firefox 3.5 or 3.6

* Video accouterments dispatch (optional)

* Note: For Windows Server 2003 SP2, Microsoft Amend KB930627 is required.

The aboriginal affair that detects the user - is an adapted interface, able with a vertical card bar assert that provides admission to frequently acclimated tools. Avoiding the accepted card alignment accustomed to accomplish abundant achievement assets back alive with PDF-files.

Another notable accession of the tenth adaptation of Acrobat are artful appearance argument and spreadsheet abstracts to the clipboard with formatting. If the user had ahead absorb a lot of time on the alteration of abstracts from PDF to Word or Excel, and consecutive accretion of administration the document, such problems are now gone.

The achievability of abacus a PDF-document of comments and explanations - is accession absorbing fresh affection in Acrobat X, advised to abridge assignment with files. Notes: You can annals either as a blah argument callouts, and the anatomy of clear elements - arrows, stamps and added accomplished pieces. If you drive too apathetic to argument notes, you can almanac audio commentary, baddest the breadth you are alteration the certificate and abreast the microphone nadiktovyvaya able phrase. Can chase by actualization in the PDF-file notes, appliance assorted filters and the adeptness to save comments to a abstracted book for afterwards alteration to absorbed parties.

Undergone cogent improvements in the apparatus of converting web pages into PDF, abstruse how to handle Internet assets with a accustomed abyss browse and backpack the amalgamate web agreeable into a distinct book while advancement the animation, beam movies and links amid pages. Improvements are additionally afflicted by agency of PDF Portfolios, acceptance to amalgamate into a distinct PDF-file abstracts types, with which may be argument documents, Word, complete recordings, videos and added files. In particular, letters on the accomplishing of the accoutrement mentioned in the fresh templates and beheld capacity and palettes.

Special acknowledgment deserves the adeptness to actualize snapshots of selections edited document. A agnate functionality is implemented in Microsoft Appointment 2010, and now he is present in Acrobat X. Ordinary users it is absurd to be useful, but the professionals circuitous in circuitous layout, clear elements blimp documents, it will be fitting.

A appropriate pride of the founders tenth "acrobat" - the attendance of congenital OCR, and subjected to refinements and acceptance quick and bedraggled to abstract argument abstracts from images. OCR-module is able to collaborate with altered languages, including Russian. As for the affection of acceptance of Cyrillic characters, it is, to put it mildly, bruised and affected to backpack out the consecutive alteration of the argument warped, volumes which are at times absolutely impressive. In general, to a akin of chip ABBYY FineReader OCR Acrobat X does not hold, and Adobe Systems this actuality acknowledged, emphasizing that they are asked to actualize an another calm product.

Among the added best accepted innovations can be acclaimed the abutting affiliation with Microsoft Appointment articles and SharePoint, bigger accoutrement for PDF consign add-in through PDFMaker, added not alone to the said appointment suite, but in IBM Lotus Notes, Firefox, Autodesk AutoCAD and others installed on your computer program. Additionally appear abundance assets of the artefact and completed the antidote of PDF-documents and advancing them for publication.

Features RePack versions:

- The official Russian version!

- Chip with an amend to adaptation 10.1.0

- Afterwards accession back you aboriginal alpha it asks what accent you prefer

- Manual and automated accession of a choice

- In the chip installer consecutive number, and the hosts book in the patcher is amenable for afterlight that are disabled, in accession replaced the book amtservices.dll

- Disabled License Agreement window in an automated installer and accidental card activation and updates

- All compression archiver abundant so that the antecedent admeasurement of the aboriginal administration was bargain from 564 to 347 MB. In appearance of this accession will crave about 2 gigabytes of chargeless deejay space, 1GB of which will be afterwards it is austere from the acting files.

Switching the area the application

Start - Run (Win + R)

reg add "HKCU \ Software \ Adobe \ Adobe Acrobat \ 10.0 \ Accent \ select" / f


Edit - Preferences (Ctrl + K) - International - Accent Appliance - Baddest back the affairs starts

Edit - Preferences (Ctrl + K) - International - Appliance accent - Choose at appliance startup

Year: 2011

Program Name: Adobe Acrobat Pro X

Language: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Turkish



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