Avant Browser's convenient interface brings a fresh akin of accuracy and ability to your browsing experience, and common upgrades accept steadily bigger its reliability. Avant Browser can save users' bookmarks, RSS Feeds, configurations or web passwords etc, in Avant online storage. In this way, users can admission their claimed abstracts from anywhere, office, home or an Internet cafe, and don't charge to anguish about accident those abstracts back re-install windows. AutoFills: advice users to acquire web passwords, and ample passwords for users with one click.
Flash Animation Filter:
More than 85% of all beam animations on web pages are advertising. These beam files are appealing large, and commonly booty up to 90% of the admeasurement of the folio you're visiting. With Avant Browser you can save the bandwidth by blocking the download of these beam files with aloof one accessible click. Avant Browser additionally provides options to block downloads of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components. With these options users can ascendancy their bandwidth and acceleration up folio loading.
Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker:
Easily annihilate exceptionable AD banners and pop-up pages automatically with aloof one click.
Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader:
Avant Browser has a congenital RSS/ATOM Reader, which allows you to apprehend RSS/ATOM feeds aloof like browsing web pages. And you can additionally accumulate your admired feeds as bookmarks.
Additional Abrasion Functions:
If you bang a articulation in the web folio with the average abrasion button, the articulation will be opened in a fresh window in the background. This affection is acutely advantageous for aperture posts in forums. Avant Browser additionally comes with customizable Abrasion Gestures, with which you can calmly cross the browser by affective the mouse.
Multi-Window Browsing:
Browse assorted web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be calmly stopped, refreshed, bankrupt or abiding with one click.
Real Full Awning Approach and Alternative Full Desktop mode:
When you accredit Full Awning Mode, all you see is the webspace, with no toolbars or added clutter. They are artlessly autohidden! Move your abrasion over the top or basal and acquisition the toolbar and tab bar respectively. Avant Browser additionally provides Full Desktop Mode, which is the aforementioned as Full awning mode, but differs in that your windows assignment bar stays visible.
Built-in Chase Engine:
Avant Browser provides a congenital chase engines. Congenital chase engines accredit user to chase for web pages, images, groups, directories, news, lyrics andcomputer application in Internet.
Size (RAR): 3.3 Mb
2% accretion record
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