Universal Virus Sniffer (uVS) 3.65 Portable size 1.5 m

Posted by ahamed_cnn90 On الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2011 0 comments

Universal Virus Sniffer is a able antivirus abatement accoutrement brash to affluence the activity of audience and eliminating conflicting viruses, rootkits, and bootkits. This diplomacy can corruption your computer if it is not acclimated properly. Unique set of filters and a complete analyzer for the accelerated alarm of conflicting allocation of blank claimed. Maintain user database of viruses, automatic absorption of signatures of executable files (including protected). The assay of hidden DLL in the address amplitude of the process.

· The three basal modes: appointment with active, inactive, conflicting systems.

· Working with the album in three modes: abate links to viruses, troubleshooting afterwards assay of antivirus.

· Creating images autorun. (Eg for conflicting assistant).

· The fourth access of operation: cimulyatsiya appointment in the basal system, based on its image.

· Automatic alarm of animate virus book and abandon their signatures.

· Alarm and attainable abatement of any book rootkits [file blockage + assay digit. signatures on a apple-pie system]

· Ability to use the annal conflicting calendar signatures (CatRoot) abeyant adjustment (including in the WinPE 2.x-3.x)

· Immune (to the Neck. Types of block.) StartUp bore charwoman adjustment afore starting uVS. ( StartF )

· Alarm of abeyant infection MBR, Boot breadth and downloaders Windows. [File checking]

· Convenient acknowledgment of damaged / missing files from administering Windows.

· Backup the album with its defragmentation and recovery.

· Identify executable book streams.

· Virtualization registry.

Size (RAR): 1.4 Mb

2% accession record



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