download game TrackMania Nations Forever PC size 270 m

Posted by ahamed_cnn90 On الأحد، 19 يونيو 2011 0 comments

For the aboriginal time in the history of eSport, a video bold has been distinctively developed for the Electronic Sports World Cup and is actuality offered chargeless of allegation to the players of the absolute planet so they may arise training for the qualifiers due to booty abode in 53 countries on Friday 27th of January. The Grand Final of ESWC will be captivated in Paris from June 28th to July the 2nd , in advanced of 40,000 people, area the best players from anniversary country will action it out for a award-winning of 400,000 dollars.



Recommended System Requirements

* Os : Windows 2000/XP/XP-x64/Vista

* Processor : Pentium IV 2 GHz / AthlonXP 1600+

* Graphic Card : 3D accordant DirectX 9.0c 128 MB Memory Video

* DirectX : DirectX 9.0c

* Memory : 512 Mo RAM (1 GB For Vista)

* Sound : Sound Card 16 bit accordant DirectX

* HDD : 750 MB Chargeless Space Disque



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